Opening Hours
Our uniform shop is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:15 to 11.00am.
Easy Online Ordering
For your convenience, we also offer online ordering. It’s fast and easy, and your order will be delivered to your child’s classroom. For images, or to order anytime please visit
Uniform Policy
The current uniform required to be worn as stated in our uniform policy is:
Boys and Girls:
- Palm Beach unisex polo with logo,
- Palm Beach shorts (skorts or shorts for girls) with logo,
- white ankle length socks,
- all black shoes(joggers with good support preferred),
- school navy or reversible wide brimmed hat with logo.
During winter these items can be worn:
- Any plain all navy jumper or jacket (no stripes or designs),
- Any navy track pants or navy tights.
- Jackets are available from the uniform shop for purchase.
Please see refer to Quickcliq or uniform shop for prices.
Uniform shop Convenor: Samantha; 0412 759 050
Email: uniformspbss@gmail.com